3 Resources for Georgia Public Broadcasting

Sense of Place in a Multimedia World

Tanya Ott, John Decker, Morgan Holm, Erika Janik
2014 - Portland

Research has demonstrated the critical importance of "local radio" and "sense of place" in the terrestrial broadcasting world. However, in this evolving world of multiple platforms, what does "sense of place" actually look like in practice?

Evolution of the PD

Tanya Ott, Christopher Bannon, Tamar Charney, Jackie Sauter
2013 - Atlanta

The job of the program director is evolving and growing as radio stations expand to new platforms. PRPD has firmly established that the PD is the guardian of the content and "sound" of the radio station and in the digital age, this role expands to become a content responsibility for all the platforms where the audience encounters the station