12 Resources for NPR

A Unified NPR App and the Future of Public Radio

Emily Barocas
2022 - New Orleans

We’ll give participants a tour through the initial launch version of the app and the launch process. We’ll discuss the future vision for the app and how it will be built to become a hub for major NPR Network priorities. Finally, we'll highlight the ways that Member stations of all sizes can best leverage the new app to connect their content with a digital audience and give participants a chance to tell us what they would like to see in this unified app - from feature requests to branding and business model ideas.

Steal these ideas: Building Audience on Digital

Michael Arnold, Steve Mulder, Tammy Terwelp, David Brower
2016 - Phoenix

Audience development on digital used to be a crap shoot. Stations would try something to see what sticks. These days, it is possible to be much more sophisticated about growing audience on digital. In this session, we’ll hear from stations that are having above-average success and figure out what they are doing right. You’ll see examples from stations that lead in overall growth, audience engagement, and on-demand usage based on a blind data sort by NPR Digital Services. One of the key threads that runs through each example is the importance of good content management and strategic focus. And the lessons learned will be applicable to stations of all sizes. Be prepared to get valuable tips you can take back to your station.

Growing, Growing, Keep Going – The Practice of Audience Building

Izzi Smith, Alan Feldenkris, Ben Calhoun
2016 - Phoenix

Reversing a years long trend, public radio news stations have been growing though most of 2016. All that, and peak election listening is still ahead of us if we adopt audience building as an on-going practice.  The Spark project helped set a new normal for promotion, and there’s more to be done to keep the hard won gains, while applying what we’ve learned across platforms.  NPR and stations will discuss some of those lessons, opportunities for sustaining listening through the election and beyond, and what's involved in creating a new culture of optimism.

Growing the Next Generation of Editors

Alison MacAdam, Ben Calhoun, Andi McDaniel, Phyllis Fletcher
2016 - Phoenix

Editors make or break your stories. They can also be teachers, innovators, and even visionaries. Without good editors, newsrooms lose relevance, creativity, staff and audience. In other words, editors are the future of your stations and our network. And yet, public radio - and journalism at-large -- has not done enough to invest in editing. How can we find, cultivate and retain editors who can shape not only daily coverage but public radio’s future sound(s)? And how should we define the craft of editing in 2016 -- when our industry is changing so rapidly?

PRPD Brave New World: Best Practices in the New NPR Clocks

Ben Adler, Peter Dominowski, Dan Klefstad, Tanya Ott

Nearly a year ago, the public radio system jumped headfirst into a brave new world: new NPR show clocks that upended decades of comfort and complacency. What have we learned in this first year? How can we best insert vibrant local content seamlessly into the national show? And how can stations of all sizes maximize flexibility to put their strongest content on the air when the length of that content might change from day to day?

The Risk of Reporting

Kelly McEvers, Jason Beaubien, David Gilkey, Elise Hu, Christopher Turpin
2014 - Portland

What will NPR journalists risk to bring great tape and powerful storytelling to your listeners? No matter where our stories take us – whether overseas or into our own communities – NPR journalists put themselves on the line to bring home the stories that need to be told. 

What's Enduring About Public Radio?

Tamar Charney, Arthur Cohen, Jody Evans, Valerie Geller, Mark Ramsey, Matt Thompson
2014 - Portland

We’ve talked for years about the need to embrace the future – new technology, new audiences, new platforms – and public radio has taken up the challenge.  While we’re moving forward, it’s also important to ask what has public radio has achieved that we want to be sure to take with us – What is Enduring?

Unconscious Bias, Unintentional Exclusion

Dave Miller, Karen Grigsby Bates, David Howse, Jaime Nolan
2014 - Portland

We know about the changing demographic of the United States and that many groups, including Asian, Pan-Asian, African-American, and Latinos are all underrepresented in public media today.  We also tend to attract more highly educated middle and upper class audiences and staffs. The industry is working to diversify staff and content focus.  Yet, we often are puzzled why things don’t change more quickly, despite our earnest efforts. 
