337 Resources

Covering the COVID Election with Reveal, APM Reports and Member Stations

Sumi Aggarwal, Dee Hall, Tom Scheck
2020 - Let's Go Live! Virtual Summit

Join us to see how the collaboration is playing out just weeks before the election and get a preview of some of our findings. Sumi Aggarwal will moderate a panel of journalists from Reveal, APM Reports and members stations.

Building a Station Mentoring Program

Amy Kovak-Ashley, Doug Mitchell
2020 - Let's Go Live! Virtual Summit

Join Doug Mitchell, Founder/Project Director for NPR's Next Generation Radio and Amy Kovac-Ashley, Vice President/Senior Director with the American Press Institute for a 45-minute session on getting a station-based program off the ground.

Public Radio Tech Survey

Fred Jacobs, Abby Goldstein
2020 - Let's Go Live! Virtual Summit

This year’s survey has the added benefit of giving us a glimpse into how media and device usage may have changed as a result of COVID-19. Join Fred Jacobs, President of Jacobs Media for a look at the 2020 results.

Birth of a Music Format

"Madd Hatta" Ben Thompson, Ayana Contreras, "Heart Attack" Mike Mauzone, Nikki Swarn, Mike Henry
2020 - Let's Go Live! Virtual Summit

After thoughtful research and planning, “Urban Alternative” began in 2016, we'll meet the people managing these new stations and learn about their journey.

Responsive On-Air Fundraising

Ben Adler, Lindsay Kimball, Mike Wallace
2020 - Let's Go Live! Virtual Summit

Join us for practical tips and real-world examples of stations who put the news and music first during their on-air fundraising campaigns.

Building Great Relationships With Freelancers

Amanda Hickman, Mónica Ortiz Uribe, Angilee Shah
2020 - Let's Go Live! Virtual Summit

This panel will share advice on working effectively and ethically with independent journalists.

Super Practical Tips for Editing Scripts

Korva Coleman, Phyllis Fletcher, Rachel Osier Lindley
2020 - Let's Go Live! Virtual Summit

In this session, experienced editors will show you how to get the most out of edits on deadline, and share best practices they’ve learned for making stories sing.

The Basics of Radio Ratings

Ele Ellis, Dave Sullivan
2020 - Let's Go Live! Virtual Summit

Whether you're new to radio or a veteran broadcaster looking to refresh your knowledge, this session will help you learn how to use your audience data to your advantage.

Local That Works

Zaki Hamid, Bill Legere, Kristin Leong, Jennifer Pemberton, Sam Sessa
2020 - Let's Go Live! Virtual Summit

In this Local That Works session we will feature three distinct local service elements that could inspire you to think in new ways about how "to be more local" in your market.

A Commencement: Seven Ideas for the Next Era of Public Radio

Eric Nuzum, Abby Goldstein

In this session, Magnificent Noise co-founder and former NPR and station programmer Eric Nuzum provides an inspiring view on where public radio sits in the wave of change in audio, along with the pitfalls and opportunities that lay ahead--all seen through seven actionable ideas that creators and programmers can use today to make their public service more relevant than ever.
