337 Resources

Launching a Daily Podcast

Jill Jackson, Brendan Sweeney
2020 - Let's Go Live! Virtual Summit

As public radio stations across the country work to develop their own daily news podcasts, news leaders Jill Jackson and Brendan Sweeney from member station KUOW in Seattle will share learnings, challenges and the great fun they experienced in the development of Seattle Now.

Managing Your On-Air Inventory

Jeff Rowe, Christina Shockley, Abby Goldstein
2020 - Let's Go Live! Virtual Summit

In this session, we’ll discuss dynamic breaks and how programming, operations and on-air hosts can work as a team to make the most of each moment of airtime.

Update on the Collaborative Journalism Network

Bruce Auster, Joanne Griffith, Mark Memmott, Priska Neely
2020 - Let's Go Live! Virtual Summit

Over this year, member stations in California, the Gulf Coast region and the Midwest are working with NPR to form new regional hubs in these areas of the country. Join Bruce Auster, NPR’s Senior Director of the Collaborative Journalism Network, and others for an update on what’s next with this important project.

Don't Lose This Moment!

Angela Davis, Pallavi Gogoi, Jordan Lee, Terry Gildea
2020 - Let's Go Live! Virtual Summit

As we leave this virtual gathering of public media news and content leaders, we hope this session will empower you as you return to your stations.

Music Format Audience Trends

We’ve all been closely monitoring audience metrics since the pandemic started. How are public radio music stations doing during this extraordinary time? Join PRPD President Abby Goldstein and RRC Client Services Manager Dave Sullivan for a look at recent audience trends for Classical, Triple A, Jazz and Urban Alternative stations.
