337 Resources

Voice Coaching for Clear, Compelling Storytelling

Jessica Hansen
2017 - Washington, DC

Join NPR voice coach Jessica Hansen as she shares insights on breath control, vocal placement and delivery, which increase credibility, accessibility, and comprehension for the listener.

Local COVID-19 Responses

Many public radio stations have changed their programming to better serve their communities dealing with the COVID-19 global pandemic. Let us know what changes you are implementing, or are planning on implementing. 

Building Resilience Webinar Series

Greater Public, Public Media Journalists Association, Public Radio Program Directors and Current are partnering on BUILDING RESILIENCE: a bi-weekly webinar series aimed at identifying and analyzing ways that stations can be resilient through the Covid-19 crisis. Open to all public media professionals hungry for good information, inspiration and companionship. Sessions will focus on content production, organizational management, community engagement and revenue generation. This series builds on the Local That Works project funded by the Wyncote Foundation.


The 2016 Tune-up: Leadership for today's needs and tomorrow's opportunities

Goli Sheikholeslami, Jennifer Keeney Sendrow, Kerri Hoffman, Kristen Muller, Paula Szuchman
2016 - Phoenix

Learned, lived and taught. Alchemical and inspirational. Applied discipline and core skill development. Non-profit leadership in 2016 is all of these things. More than ever, a baseline leadership requirement includes the ability to consistently and continually advance an agenda no matter the circumstances. In this session produced by WNYC's Werk It Festival, you will hear cross section of leaders will walk us through the ways they are attacking the future.

Lunch with APM: Radio's Endurance & Evolution

2016 - Phoenix

Our public media future is bursting with new opportunity. We have more ways than ever to reach and grow audiences. At the core is our strength in radio's enduring qualities -- live, responsive, spontaneous, highly relevant, engaging and trusted. Join APM for an invigorating exploration of these qualities and their evolving role in bolstering our future across a complex media landscape. Marketplace's Molly Wood leads a fresh conversation with hosts, producers and program directors across APM's portfolio about leveraging what we do best to grow public media's audience, loyalty and impact.

Major Market: Disaster Ahead? How to Turn the Titanic

2016 - Phoenix

A great challenge in this environment is how to tap into our most creative talent to create effective experimentation in an environment where the stations are fully consumed with day-to-day operations.

Middle Market: Forging $mart Partnerships

2016 - Phoenix

It’s hard to reach fresh audiences and raise new money -- but you don’t have to do it alone. $mart collaboration builds partnerships with people and organizations that are committed to the work and audiences your station needs. (Pro tip: Some of your best partners can be found in your newsroom.)
